e Barkat Ali Hall


Walled City Lahore was the birthplace of Prince Loh, became Brahmanabad city, got invaded by Subuktagin, captured by Mahmood of Ghazna, conquered by Shahb ud din Ghauri, ransacked by Mongols and remained with Khiljis, Tughlaqs and Lodhi Dynasties..

Then came the golden era of the Mughals when this city touched its zenith. The Mughal emperor Akbar re-built the mud fort of Ghaznavid period with burnt bricks and added thirteen gates to the city connected with a thirty feet high fortified wall. The gates he added were Delhi Gate, Yakki Gate, Sheranwala Gate, Kashmiri Gate, Masti Gate, Roshnai Gate, Lohari Gate, Bhatti Gate, Shah Almi Gate, Akbari Gate, Mochi Gate and Taxali Gate along with a Mori. The Mughals built giant mosques like Mariam Zamani Mosque, Wazir Khan Mosque, Taxali Mosque and Badshahi Mosque along with several other structures. These monuments are still seen in the walled city of Lahore.

Lahore became such a charismatic city that the Sikhs started fighting for power and gained the throne when Maharaja Ranjeet Singh became ‘Sher-e-Punjab. The Sikhs added in more buildings, havelis and religious sites like Gurdawara and Janam Asthan. The famous havelis of sikh era still seen in the old city are Haveli of Dhyan Singh, Haveli of Nau Nehal Singh and Haveli of Jamadar Khushhal Singh. The pavilion or Baradari of Huzoori Bagh was also built by Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and celebrated the attainment of Kohinoor diamond.

Later the British took over Lahore and carried away the precious Kohinoor diamond with them. The British also demolished the high walls of the city and pulled down the gorgeous gates and added a circular road and circular garden around the city. During all this time from Mughals to British, the walled city of Lahore witnessed commotions. In the early 1900s the British rebuilt the thirteen gates with a different architecture from the ones of Mughal era, and these are the gates we see today. A few gates were burnt and a few collided with the passage of time and at present, we have only six of them. Out of these, the only Mughal era gate is the Roshnai Darwaza which is next to the Samadhi of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh opposite Lahore Fort

The Barkat Ali Islamia Hall

A Landmark of Lahore's Pre-Partition Political Saga

This architectural marvel stands as a testament to the political history of pre-partition Punjab, originally inaugurated as the 'Mohammaddan Islamia Hall'. It owes its existence to the esteemed Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan, a distinguished member of Lahore's nobility. The cornerstone was laid in 1888, marking the beginning of its construction. Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan, the visionary behind the 'Anjuman Islamia Punjab', spearheaded this initiative to provide a communal space for Muslims' public and political gatherings.

This hall played a pivotal role in the pre-partition politics of the Punjab. It served as a gathering place for activists and freedom fighters during various movements, particularly those concerning the Muslim community.

Following the passage of the Lahore Resolution in March 1940, the Barkat Ali Islamia Hall became a prominent meeting point for the Muslim League. The gatherings were held both within its walls and on the adjacent open ground. Over the years, like numerous other heritage sites in the Walled City, Barkat Ali Islamia Hall has endured encroachment, vandalism and neglect. While the main entrance facing the Circular Road remains visible, the other sides have been encroached upon. The building has been conserved and restored by the Punjab Walled Cities and Heritage Areas Authority. The ownership of this historical site is vested in the Auqaf Department.

This hall has echoed with the voices of nearly all prominent Muslim leaders before the partition, including the likes of Quaid e Azam, Allama Iqbal, and Molana Zafar Ali Khan, making it a crucible of historical discourse and decision-making.


Previously the Mohammadan Hall

In 1887, the hall's journey began to unfold when Sir Syed Ahmad Khan graced Lahore, attending a pivotal conference at the Anjuman. Recognizing the need for a dedicated hall to foster Islamic values, the foundations for what would be known as the Mohammadan Hall were laid outside Mochi Darwaza in 1888, with a modest budget of Rs.1800. The craftsmanship of MISTRI MANGA of Lahore, a descendant of the illustrious Mimar family known for their contributions to Mughal architecture in Lahore and Delhi, was enlisted. MISTRI MANGA's lineage would later include M.A. Rahman Chughtai, the celebrated artist and founder of the Chughtai Art Gallery and Museum in Lahore.

From Mohammadan to Barkat Ali Islamia Hall

According to the record meticulously preserved at the Chughtai Museum, the illustrious Barkat Ali Hall is a testament to the vision of Khan Bahadur Muhammad Barkat Ali Khan, a distinguished luminary of Lahore. When Barkat Ali Khan died in 1905, the Anjuman decided to rename the hall as "Barkat Ali Islamia Hall".

The Stage for Lahore's Pivotal Moments

Barkat Ali Hall has been the backdrop for speeches by virtually every key leader, particularly in the era leading up to Pakistan's establishment. This venue was a central hub for Muslim League meetings, witnessing numerous significant historical events. As noted by Pir Syed Ghulam Moin-ul-Haq Gilani, on August 24, 1900, when Pir Meher Ali Shah journeyed from Golra Sharif for a debate with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, he and his entourage found respite at Barkat Ali Muhammadan Hall. This hall also hosted a rally under Allama Iqbal’s leadership following the execution of Ghazi Alamuddin. Upon the demise of Hazrat Iqbal, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan chaired a gathering of Lahore's populace in this very hall. Allama Siddique Hazarvi recounts that Allama Qazi Abdul Nabi convened the inaugural national Reza Day assembly here in honour of Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi. In an equally historic moment, Pir Syed Jamaat Ali Shah presided over the Mashaikh Conference at this venue, sharing his renowned dream about Quaid-i-Azam. It was also here that Quaid-e-Azam held a consultative meeting with Mahatma Gandhi. Post-Pakistan's formation, Barkat Ali Muhammadan Hall continued its legacy as the site of the All Muslim Parties Conference, pivotal to the Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nabuwwat movement. This hall, thus, became a symbol of Lahore's significant historical junctures. Mukhtar Masood, during his tenure as Deputy Commissioner of Lahore, undertook the last known renovation of the hall in 1968, a testament to its enduring relevance and legacy.

Preserving the Legacy of
Barkat Ali Islamia Hall

Over time, Barkat Ali Islamia Hall has faced various adversities typical of heritage sites, including encroachment, vandalism, and deterioration due to neglect. For the last twenty years, the building had been shuttered, leading to a marked decline in its structural integrity. Recognizing the need for urgent intervention, in 2021, the Punjab Walled Cities and Heritage Area’s Authority (PWCA) reached out to the Auqaf Department, proposing a partnership for the hall's restoration.

In November 2021, the PWCA commenced a comprehensive conservation project for this venerable building, allocating a budget of 20.2 million Rs. The restoration work was multifaceted, focusing on stabilizing the structure and beams, rejuvenating the façade, repairing cracks, plastering, and resolving issues related to sewage and electricity. This extensive renovation has prepared the hall for its re-opening and future adaptive use. Moreover, the PWCA has engaged a specialist consultant to guide the interior redesign of Barkat Ali Islamia Hall. This approach ensures that while the hall's historical essence is meticulously preserved, it also meets modern-day requirements. This project exemplifies how collaborative efforts between government entities and civic groups are pivotal in reviving and protecting cultural landmarks, thereby securing their legacy for posterity.

Date of Construction

A common misconception dates the hall's construction to 1905, spurred by the plaque bearing this date, which was likely installed post Barkat Ali Khan's demise when the hall was renamed 'Barkat Ali Islamia Hall'. The hall's evolution continued with the establishment of a reading room in 1912, offering a selection of Urdu and English newspapers and magazines. Remarkably, despite the limited availability of electricity in Lahore between 1912 and 1914, Barkat Ali Hall was among the first to be illuminated electrically, symbolizing a beacon of enlightenment and heritage in Lahore's rich tapestry.

Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan

Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan's journey culminated in 1905, leaving behind a rich legacy. As chronicled by Syed Latif, his lineage traced back to the Khalil Pathan of Afghanistan. His career spanned various roles, from a police officer in Shahpur, Hajipur, and Amritsar to the Tehsildar of Chunian in Lahore district. Praised for his adeptness in managing people, he was honoured with the title of Khan Bahadur by Lord Lawrence, the then Viceroy and Governor-General, in 1868, acknowledging his distinguished service. His influence extended to managing local and foreign dignitaries in Lahore and contributing significantly to the Muslim community.

Retiring in January 1882, his efforts in establishing the Anjuman Islamia for the upkeep of the Badshahi Masjid were lauded in the Lahore Gazetteer of 1893-1894. His dedication to the Muslim community's welfare, spanning education, social, and sanitary domains, was unwavering.

The Anjuman Islamia played a pivotal role in restoring several mosques post the 1857 riots. Initially named 'Mohammedan Islamia Hall', the construction of this hall began in 1888. Its association with another prominent organization, the Muhammadan Union Club, as highlighted by Professor Ahmad Saeed, was instrumental in addressing the need for a Muslim congregation space in Lahore. Thus, the hall was later aptly renamed as Barkat Ali Muhammadan Hall in honour of its founder.

Barkat Ali Hall

Conservation works

Before & After

Chinese Ambassador

Canadian High Commision

World Bank Delegation

Austrian Delegation

British High Commisioner

Ambassador of Europian

German Ambassador

Pepsi Event

Takiya Mosiqi

US Educational foundation

Shahi Bethak


Located near Mochi Gate on Circular Road in Lahore, the Barkat Ali Islamia Hall stands as a beacon of Lahore's storied past. Named after the eminent Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan, a luminary of Lahore's nobility, this hall intertwines with his legacy. Renowned for revitalizing the Badshahi Mosque, Khan Bahadur Barkat Ali Khan's tenure as tehsildar saw him championing the Muslim community's progress. Around 1868, under his guidance, the Anjuman Islamia was established in Lahore, aspiring to uphold Islamic virtues.




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  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
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  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
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Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


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